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Intro on Handgun Optics

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Intro on Handgun Optics

Cost: $49

In this class we will go over different types of optics we can put on handguns. Talk about the good and bads of these types. Gear needed with optics. How and where to mount and zero your dot. We will go over the different types of draws with tips on how to find the dot faster, why they are used and do drills to get these skills into our muscle memory.

None. No experience required.
You can bring your own firearm, or use one of ours. Please let us know ahead of the class if you need a rental. 
All supplies needed for this course will be provided by us. We will be using dummy rounds in this class. No live ammo in the classroom.

Discounts on anything needed for the class. Also discounts for signing up for your next class!

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